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It is funny how a difference of 5 minutes before and after marriage can decide if a woman was raped or not. A split verdict given by a Division Bench of the Delhi High Court reflects two different ideas of marital rape, thus ensuring a future hearing in the Supreme Court of India. The historical background of this issue traces back to the Bengal Phulmani case of , where a year-old husband raped his year-old wife resulting in her death. Subsequent to this, the British government raised the age of consent from 10 years to 12 years. This move offended many sections of the society who considered it an infringement upon the institution of marriage, their customs and religion. Our patriarchal society is obstinate about accepting the societal changes that come along with progress, evolution and empowerment, so the Government struggles to interfere with personal laws.

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Kultur “Toxic”, Apa Yang Harus Dilakukan?
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Kultur “Toxic”, Apa Yang Harus Dilakukan? – Daftar SBMPTN
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Variation I: Stand erect with the feet more than shoulder width apart. Turn the right foot to the right side. Stretch the arms sideways and raise them to shoulder level so that they are in one straight line. Place the right hand on the right foot, keeping the two arms in line with each other. Turn the left palm forward. Awareness: On the stretch along the side of the trunk, legs and arms, on keeping the balance, and on coordinating the movement with the breath.

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